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Exploit for CVE-2019-12745 - Stored XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)

In a series of my findings in SeedDMS Software. A quick update, SeedDMS is a opensource software in which I have found Vulnerabilities like RCE and XSS. This article is focused on the XSS finding, I had found in the latest version of SeedDMS. Lets get into the Exploitation part to see how it can be reproduced.
  1. Login to the application and go to My account and edit user details.
  2. Change the name by adding <script>alert("name")</script> as shown in below image.

  3. Now browse to user management option in Admin-tools and click on choose user to execute the previously inserted javascript code.

A key takeway from this finding is that while pentesting try injecting JS payloads very specific for example here I have used "name" rather than traditional "1" inside the alert box. Why? You might ask. Reason is simple you might not know when where sanitisation and validation is not in place, and your injected payload might get executed somewhere else.
P.S. I have already reported this to the vendor and they have patched it and issued an update for the same.


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